3MF is a file format for 3D printers with inbuilt DRM. Some slicers are not able to read 3MF files. Here is a way to convert such files to STL.

If you need to convert a 3MF file to STL format you may find that there is no really simple solution. I found this very useful blog post by Zebethyal that describes how the command line tool 3mf2stl by Charles Shapiro can be compiled on a Mac to convert 3MF files to STL format. The required steps in all brevity:

  1. Install Homebrew
    Open terminal and type (all in one line)
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    Hit return. Homebrew is downloaded and installed.
  2. Install libzip
    brew install libzip
    After hitting return, the libzip library will be installed.
  3. Download 3mf2stl
    Enter the following URL in your browser
    and download the 3mf2stl repository (green button to the right, download as ZIP).
    Unzip the file to a directory, e.g. ~/Documents/3mf2stl/
  4. Compile 3mf2stl
    Change to this directory
    cd ~/Documents/3mf2stl/
  5. and type
    Hit return. The code will be compiled.

If the compilation was successful you will have an executable named 3mf2stl in this directory.
Usage is ./3mf2stl -i <input_file.3mf> -o <output_file.stl>

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